I recently recorded an episode of our new DyeSubCast podcast with my colleague Vik Patel from Sawgrass Technologies. During that conversation, Vik kept coming back to the phrase “ingredients matter.” In the context of our conversation, Vik was talking about … [Read More...]
What’s New On My Blog

Why Create So Much Content?
There is a really simple answer to why I've decided to create so much content lately. I like creating content. This is the second of two blog posts I'll create today. I didn't get started on the first one until late in the afternoon when I was almost done … [Read More...]

Do The Work
Do the work. What do those three words mean to you? Here is what they mean to me in this moment. (Note: This post was written in late December 2020 as I worked on a goal to create 12 pieces of content in 12 days.) Without distraction, get to work on … [Read More...]

Why it’s okay to fail when you’ve set a big, hairy audacious goal
On Dec. 23, 2020, I set out to create 12 pieces of content in 12 days. Tomorrow will be that 12th day and this is only my 9th piece of content. I may complete one or two more tomorrow; but the reality is I will not achieve my goal. In fact, if this ends up … [Read More...]

Why Social Media Doesn’t Have To Be All Bad
I recently published The Social Media Trap and since doing so, my opinion of social media has begun to shift. That post was focused on some of the negative aspects of social media while this post will focus on the good that can come from social media. Social … [Read More...]

How I Settled On My 2021 Mantra
For the last several years, I have been settling on a personal mantra which guides the way I live my life over the next year. I find each of these mantras become a part of who I am and stays with me long after the year has passed. As a result, I've learned to … [Read More...]

Reversing the Pivot
My colleague Shelby Sapusek and I published a few posts about the business pivot we made during the Covid-19 pandemic on the ColorCasters blog. Those stories dealt with the process of pivoting our business to survive during the pandemic and so far we've been … [Read More...]

The Social Media Trap
After editing and revising my previous post, "I Missed You Beautiful People," I sat for a few minutes trying to decide which topic to address next. In many ways, I didn't want to write about social media because I suspect there is potentially a good deal of … [Read More...]

I’ve missed you beautiful people
Hello, I've missed you. I have not published a post on this blog in nearly five years. If you're wondering why, I'll be addressing that in future posts. Yes, I plan to post here frequently again. What that frequency will be I do not yet know; but writing more … [Read More...]

Letting go and finding the flow
Over the last several years, my first post each January has explained my plan for the coming year. This year is no different; except I arrived at my 2016 plan in a different way. While it didn't start out that way, 2015 turned out to be a year of letting go … [Read More...]

Back to the notebook
For more than two months, I didn't write down a task list in my notebook. Yet I've written frequently on this blog about thinking on paper and the importance of handwritten task lists. So why did I go without it for such an extended period of … [Read More...]