Running a business is serious but it doesn't mean you can't have a silly side. I'd argue that having a silly side probably makes you a better business person; especially if a big part of your day is interacting with others. Some of the most serious topics are best approached with a dose of … [Read more...]
How to get motivated when you are not
Are you wondering how to get motivated when you are not? Take a nap. Run to the coffee shop and grab a cup of coffee. Go for a run. But - and here's the key part in how to get motivated - set a hard stop time for the activity you are choosing to do, instead of what you feel like you should be … [Read more...]
Stop Asking for Permission
For the past few weeks I've watched entrepreneurs I consider more successful to see what they are doing differently than me. The answer that hit me, they seldom ask for permission. They get more things done quicker. One of the ways you get things done is to following the old saying "it's easier to … [Read more...]
Trust Circles Influence Communication Types
The concept of social media circles of trust has caused me to revisit my Three Types of Communication post from last June. I was dealing with trust issues in my life when I wrote Three Types of Communication. In the previous six months I had made many bad choices inconsistent with my long-term life … [Read more...]