Most of us share silly and somewhat meaningless status updates in social media from time to time. That's okay because if you really want to let the whole world know you're not wearing pants, it's actually my problem not yours. Please keep sharing those crazy status updates on Twitter and Facebook. … [Read more...]
How being human takes the stuffy out of business
"Business is stuffy. Your being human makes you approachable and someone I want to talk to." That's a comment I got recently when a client and friend watched the video below. My friend's comment got me thinking about how both the quality and number of relationships I have with those I used to … [Read more...]
Human Networking 2.0
In the social media community we talk about having an audience of one. I see Human Networking 2.0 as having an audience of "one at a time." Twitter is just talking and Scott Stratten reminded us of that recently, at the #unGeeked conference. I conduct myself the same way on Twitter, Facebook and … [Read more...]