I’m writing this early Monday morning and by design I spent a good part of this weekend sleeping more than I normally would. Two reasons; 1. last week was spent in four cities and 3 different hotels, 2. By the time you read this post I’ll be wrapping up four days in Las Vegas at two different conferences.
Sleep, my problem solving weapon of choice
Sleep on it. Last Friday after a week on the road I was blindsided by a business problem. I was exhausted from a week of traveling and the problem seemed insurmountable. By Saturday morning with a good nights sleep under my belt the problem was still bad but a few solutions began to become clear.
Most big problems can keep. Do you have the same tendency as me to want to solve a problem as soon as it crosses your path? If that “big” problem blindsides you at 4pm on a Friday afternoon are you really in a position to start looking for a big solution? Every problem is different but in most cases the solutions you think of the next morning will be more clear and simpler than the ones considered in the heat of the moment.
Soldiers in combat know this. In both memoirs of combat soldiers I’ve read and interviews I’ve watch this topic has come up. They are trained to sleep when they can. If you’re blessed with the ability to take twenty minute cat naps, be thankful for it. I can snooze anywhere, and when I’m tired I’ll sneak in a 20-30 minute nap. Letting your brain rest is a powerful weapon in your arsenal. Maybe for you, thirty minutes of quiet meditation works better and that’s OK as well.
Sleep when you are tired, drink when you are thirsty, eat when you are hungry.
Those fifteen words have made me a happier more successful person. How about you? What techniques do you use to stay sharp and refreshed during a long work week?
Jim, couldn’t agree more. I take 20-minute catnaps just about every afternoon, and I’ll always sleep on a major decision when given the choice, especially if I’m tired.
I also make sure I get at least 6 hours sleep a night, and I drink coffee strategically, and not at all after mid-afternoon because caffeine interferes with my sleep.
*yawn* just had a nice nap thank you (really did). Great to see your comment and I try to stay away from late afternoon coffee but have been blowing that one lately *sip* (6pm)