Take the time to find yourself and your message will magically materialize. How do you make your money? That’s what you do. If you are trying to find yourself, start there.
I’m a Small Biz CEO. Yes, take a peek at the tag line up above (below my name). It’s only been “Small Biz CEO” for a few days, so you may not have noticed the change. It’s taken me almost a year of reinventing this blog to figure that out. Three or four tag line changes in that time is a lot. Now it’s right and I know it.
I’m not a blogger. Sure I blog, but I am not a blogger. If I was a blogger somehow someway this site would generate the lion’s share of my income. It does not. Does what I do here help support my income generation as CEO of ColorMetrix? Absolutely, 100% yes. Still, I make money via my business skills, not my writing skills.
Message clarity. Last weekend I sat and looked at my last year of posts. Read the work of other great bloggers about finding your message and creating calls to action with your posts. I started looking at tag lines of others bloggers. Remember, I like to model the success of others. About this time last week it hit me like a ton of bricks, I’m a Small Biz CEO, not a blogger extraordinaire, and from there my message materialized.
Business and personal success. That’s my message going forward. Please don’t think, “Oh no, he’s changing everything.” That’s not the case at all. I will just be focusing the posts more tightly around inspiring your success. So, by definition I will often structure the message around overcoming adversity and what others perceive as and label failure. Sounds familiar, right? Like lasts week’s well received “Public Speaking 101” series and hopefully this week’s “Small Business 101” series.
Yourself may be closer than you realize. A year ago I was already a small business CEO and had been for fifteen years. Take a look at all the things you do. One of them is who you are. That “who” should be responsible for the message you deliver on your blog. (See, I’ll still give blogging advice even though I am not a blogger) Making sense yet?
While changing the tag line, I spent a few hours cleaning up the site and making sure it loads faster and is more loved by Google. If you see anything strange or just want to let me know how much faster it loads please jump in the comments.
Right on Jim. The past few months researching social media have forced me to think about what it is that I have to offer. I am still feeling that out but the process has made me think about it.
Great job! When providing content, or advice, to others on your blog it's always best to have a dedicated focus. Although I didn't think twice about your blogger extraordinaire title while being used, in retrospect, after seeing your new title, it really didn't make much sense.
We are often the most critical of our own work, content and titles. So much so that no one else notices those little tweaks and improvements. But they do take notice on quality and 'tighter packaging' even if it is incredibly subtle.
Although you model your interactive success from other successful business bloggers, you will find that some want to model their own plan after what you are doing. You've a lot to offer and are improving your brand in leaps in bounds quickly.
All the writing helped me find my way. Remember much of my writing never sees the light of day. It's notes scratched in various moleskine notebooks.
It's funny when it's right you just know it is. the unplugged, telling it like it is. felt perfect from the moment I started using it. That's how Small Biz CEO feels too. It may change again at some point but for now and the foreseeable future it's right.
Went through a similar discovery a year and a half ago when I started my “Castain 2.0” adventure.
YOU continue to be the message Jim. Please continue to deliver “Jim” as only you can do so well!
Paul Castain
Funny my wife calls me Jimmy 2.0 ๐ So happy to be a member of that club!