A proper measurement methodology is how to gauge success. How can you know where you are going and if you have arrived, when you don't even know where you are? Want increased sales? Determine an accurate way to measure sales today. Using sound business principals calculate what sales need to be … [Read more...]
Trust Circles Influence Communication Types
The concept of social media circles of trust has caused me to revisit my Three Types of Communication post from last June. I was dealing with trust issues in my life when I wrote Three Types of Communication. In the previous six months I had made many bad choices inconsistent with my long-term life … [Read more...]
Commitment Sets Priorities
Commitment is turning my choice to deliver 31 blog posts in the month of March into reality. Delivering 31 blog posts in the month of March has required a commitment to new priorities. I made a commitment to myself that writing every day is a priority for me. Reality set in and I realized there … [Read more...]