This is another in our She Said, He Said series. Our #shehechat happens on Twitter at 8 p.m. CST Thursday. Be sure to return tomorrow for Shelby’s viewpoint on this issue and our topics for our chat! Google Reader is a powerful tool that lets you access the power of Really Simple Syndication or … [Read more...]
Email is a necessary evil, but I have a strategy
I do not like email. There, I said it. Yes, I know that it's the basis of many business conversations. I know that people rely on it to keep up with colleagues, family and friends every day. I use email every day myself, but that doesn't mean I like it. For me, email is my last chosen form of … [Read more...]
Improve by Starting Over
You might be 90% done with a project but the end result is not looking so hot. Stop, scrap it (but learn from your mistakes) and start over with the goal to improve the end result. That's what a turn-around artist does. They walk into a business look at what's being done and then find more … [Read more...]