You have found your true passion when what you are doing is so easy it’s second nature.
Find work that feels easy, comfortable and second nature. When you have done this look at all the other aspects that come along with that work and find ways to live with them. I’d argue that having a crappy boss but doing something you like is preferable to the alternative. After all, how often do you interact with your boss versus doing the actual work?
A quick story: Angie and Joe Sorge joined a group of us at their restaurant AJ Bombers recently to celebrate our friend Sarah’s Birthday. Being their together to relax and have fun, however, did not stop Joe and Angie from doing the little things that make their restaurants a success. I watched as Angie kept an eye on the shelf where fresh hot food comes out for the wait staff. More than once in what I can only describe as second nature behavior she grabbed the plates and made sure they got to the customer promptly.
No looking around to see who’s job it is, just a “let’s get this done to satisfy the customer” attitude. I’ve been in plenty of restaurants where the owners’ would have ignored this situation or worse yet thrown a hissy fit asking which server wasn’t doing their job. I’m positive neither Joe or Angie thought about the little things they did over those couple hours to server their customers and support their staff. They just acted and did what needed to be done.
Following a passion you are comfortable with doesn’t feel like work. Instead of being work it’s just what you do. Sure their are parts of the life that are hard and we don’t want to do. That my friends is life. If I never had to look at another financial statement or process another invoice I’d be the happiest man on the planet. Instead, I’m talking about the core of what you do which in Angie and Joe’s case is running restaurants.
If your business is say, running a blog, then writing blog posts better not feel like work. Writing blog posts should just come naturally and easily. Does it become more natural and easy with time? Sure it does, practice makes perfect and all that jazz. Could the layout and design aspect of your blog be a big pain in your you know what? Of course that or finding advertising to foot the bill. The writing of the core content better be something that is, or is becoming second nature to you.
Did I get this right or are Angie, Joe and I to small a sample size? We all deserve to be doing something we are passionate about so please jump in the comments and let me know what you think.
Wow, Jim, thank you! How flattering! I guess I didn't realize I did that until you mentioned it. As you say, just second nature, its what we do. Thank so much for the props!
Hey Angie – That's the whole point it's so second nature for you it's effortless 🙂 Writing blog posts is starting to be like that for me I just start typing and they come.-Jim