Yesterday, Shelby Sapusek weighed in on Social Media and Religion which is another in our “she said, he said” series of posts where we weigh in on social media related topics. Today, It’s my turn to preach from this blog.
Yes, I feel it’s okay to discuss religion to a certain extent on social media. The reality, however, is that for the most part, I agree with Shelby on this one. Besides putting out there that I am Jewish and poking fun at the rapture topic this past weekend, I pretty much leave the subject alone. Religion is a very personal issue and just because I have told you I’m Jewish does not mean I’ve told you much about my personal belief system. You know beyond the fact that I do believe in God.
The calendar, religion and social media
So, Christians have Easter and Christmas. At these times of year, take a look at the number of people extending good wishes to others in social media. Heck, even I wish people a Merry Christmas or a joyous Easter. There’s nothing wrong with that in my humble opinion.
We Jews have our holidays; most of which mainstream Christians have little understanding. So at those times of the year, it’s nice to know I have some friends in the social media universe I can extend well wishes too. Ours is a culture as much as a religion and we are a very small minority. I like that there are a few people out there who understand the significance the holiday holds for me.
Keeping it mostly to yourself
Like Shelby, I have some pretty strong opinions on religion but I keep them to myself. Religious or spiritual beliefs are formed in two ways as best I can tell. You stick with what you learned as a child growing up. Or, you read and learn like crazy on your own what fits you as an individual. I guess the hybrid to that is you had little religious teaching growing up and took the reading and learning path on your own to learn about yourself and others.
I think the latter is a cool path because knowledge is power. Some power, and the knowledge associated with it, is better not exercised. So, while I may share an occasional religious comment on social media, by and large I’m going to keep my lips zipped.
Ugh. The ‘religion’ word.
Hate it. Now, if you’re talking about faith—and in my case, that of being a Christian where it is the most important thing in my life—then yes, you’ll see that in my social content because that is me being honest and authentic. Why would I shield that?–in fact, our shared scripture tells us to do the opposite. So who are you trying to please? Your social media contacts or God?
If you check my feeds, you’ll see that I have a real balance between real life and spiritual mentions. Too much and I’d be that droning goof on your front porch—not enough, and I’m hiding what makes me alive.
Good thoughts. Good discussion starter.
Thank you for adding the distinction between faith and religion. And then we could throw spirituality in the mix just to make things even slightly more interesting.
Also, it’s funny I was going to make a comment about “droning goofs on the front porch” but took it out. Thanks for adding it back in. I guess it was meant to be part of the post and your inclusion is
more eloquent than what I took out.
Thanks for the comments and let’s see how far the conversation goes.