Seth Godin took the picture accompanying this post. These are some of the folks I attended the Linchpin Meetup(link to Seth’s post where the picture came from) with.
I knew one of them before Twitter. Now, in this picture of the Meet-MeMe autographed card set Cindi sent to Seth I am surrounded by people I can’t imagine not knowing. The relationships (business and personal because I draw no distinctions anymore) I have developed because of meetings and connections on Twitter are truly priceless.
But Jim I don’t understand Twitter. It’s OK, really. You don’t have to believe me. You don’t even have to try Twitter or try it again. The purpose of this post is to let you know that as business tools go, it has changed me and the way I do business with people more than any other single tool. If another tool was to come close, it would be my first cell phone (that actually was called a bag phone) which allowed me to more easily do business while away from the office. Remember when you thought you would never want or need a cell phone?
A business case. Take a look at #TwitterWorks – The Book. My friends Joe Sorge, Phil Gerbyshak and Scott Baitinger wrote this book together. It’s the story of how Twitter has driven the success of two restaurant businesses in Milwaukee where I live. Buy yourself a copy and save six or so months of learning. I did most of what Joe did at the same time he did it, so I’m here to tell you it works.
It works in the B2B space? Damn Straight it does. I have a voice I didn’t have twelve months ago. I have connections to people who have connections to people I’d have never reached (this is the power of the retweet). I am reaching people at the highest levels in my industry. (I interviewed the Chief Marketing Officer of Kodak for my company blog). This is all so new but I’m here to tell you as a successful small business person that to not be engaging on Twitter right here, right now is a huge mistake.
So, believers here is where I need your help. Please leave a comment with your personal Twitter success story. Also, if you aren’t already following me @raffel please do!
Jim, thanks so much for including us in your post here. As I think you already know, we don't believe that the power of Twitter and social networks can be understated. Not only did we write the book that you mentioned above, but our small businesses are living breathing case studies of how far Twitter and the various social networking tools can take a small business. In our case from day one to thriving.
Thanks again for the added exposure.
“Day one to thriving.” – Love it.