Yesterday, while attending the Indianapolis 500, I got to watch a group of our servicemen and women display the gigantic flag pictured here. For me, it was a reminder that we all need to take time to slow down and be thankful for what we have. More importantly, we must remember those who have made our lifestyle possible and honor them. That’s what Memorial Day is all about.
At least that’s how I feel since having a conversation with my father shortly after 9/11. As we sent our soldiers off to fight the war on terror, I asked him, from a WWII veteran’s perspective, what we, and more specifically I, could do. His answer was simple: Honor them by going about your day-to-day life. They are fighting to preserve our way of life. Nothing could honor them more than to appreciate and live that lifestyle.
As I watched the race today, I was thankful I decided to leave my MacBook and work behind for the weekend. Sure, I’ve tweeted a bit but that’s fun for me sometimes. I’m having to thumb type this post on my HTC EVO, but that’s not so bad either. It’s about taking the time to relax and enjoy the long holiday weekend with friends and family. It’s an American tradition. Today, I’ll be honoring our fallen warriors by enjoying my ability to live the American dream.
Neat post!
Memorial Day weekend is a great day where we can honor those who have fallen.
I remember when I worked in New York City I would go down to DC and honor the fallen.
Being an ex-service member myself having close friends coming back injured from Afghanistan or Iraq (a few others which sadly did not return leaving us at the ages of 20 – 25) I am Thankful that as a service member I did not have to go to combat.
A moment that impacted me was during my visit to Arlington somebody had taken the time to put Puerto Rican Flags into a art gallery they had dedicated to some of my fallen Puerto Rican Comrades from after 9/11. In general I was honoring every fallen soldier who died for fighting for there countries and then I realize that those few that died could not even vote for the president of the country they did gave there life too. In my mind I would consider there sacrifice even further because they where fighting for the benefits and well being of this hemisphere not the U.S.
I honor all those who serve our military every day and I try to create awareness of the many issues that many of our veterans that come back have when they are not taken care of.
Let’s honor all service members and internalize why they go to war!
Thank you for your past service.
Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify, simplify! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb-nail. Thoreau, Henry David
Nice quote!