I have improved my writing and web-site traffic more in the last 30 days than in the previous five year of blogging. ScribeSEO is the tool that has helped me do that.
Let’s start with the juicy facts, search engine generated web-site traffic at both this site and ColorMetrix.com is up almost 30% since I began using the combination of powerhouse tools, ScribeSEO and Thesis Theme.
Being a serious blogger and internet marketer requires that you write for both humans and Google. My writing for human consumption has been good for a while, that’s the easy part for me. Digging into the mechanics of how to write for Google and other search engines (SEO – Search Engine Optimization) is where I never spent much time. There’s a reason for that, it takes a great deal of time and research to learn the science of writing for a search engine. It takes even more time to do that while still keeping the content pleasant for human consumption.
If Scribe did not make the posts better for you I would stop using it. The simple fact is the posts are better for my human readers too. My titles are better because I put the words with most meaning at the beginning. My posts are more focused because Scribe reminds me what it thinks the key words are. My posts contain more links to external content because they just should. Very few of my posts are 100% pure original thought and the power of the internet is that you should be able to quickly and efficiently check my sources.
There is no such thing as a free lunch, ScribeSEO is a fee based service. You don’t need Scribe. You could spend hours (probably hundreds of them) researching all the techniques to make Google and other search engines like you. The option is to spend as little as $27/month to have Scribe do that for you and invest the time saved in creating lots and lots of rich Google friendly content for your web-site or blog.
I actually have fun using Scribe. The first thing Scribe does is give you a score on a 0-100% scale. If you aren’t happy with the score you can start digging down into the details of what Scribe recommends to improve the score. For me this is the best part. Many of my older posts came in with scores in the 50-60% range. With just a few minutes work and a little tweaking I got almost all those posts to 100%. Now, almost every post I write starts in the high 80’s but every now and then one is in the 50’s and that forces me to go back and look at the post. Almost every time it needs some work.
If scribe sounds interesting click on the banner below to find out more. It is an affiliate link so I will make a few bucks if you decide to give Scribe a try and I’d like to thank you in advance for giving Scribe a try knowing that. I will also let you know Scribe is a product of Brian Clark over at CopyBlogger.com. Brian is also part of Thesis Theme and Third Tribe Marketing. Yes, I trust him and his products enough that three of the five affiliate programs I am participate in are his.
If you give ScribeSEO a try, please come back and let me know what you think. If you know of another way to do what I am doing with Scribe please jump in the comments. I love learning about better ways to do things as much as the next guy.
[…] posts for search engines. The easy way to do this is to use ScribeSEO (affiliate link) which I have written about before. Scribe let’s you worry about writing for humans while it worries about writing for […]