The power of the month long action plan was revealed to me about a month ago, when right here on this blog I committed to write 31 blog posts in 31 days and then I did it.
In a month, repeated behavior becomes a habit. That is the real power in planning a month at a time. In my case I love to write but sometimes have “writers block.” Know what writers block is? An excuse, plain and simple.
If you have an excuse in your life, do what successful people do day in and day out. Read everything you can get your hands on and develop action plans based upon the content that resonates with you. There will be so many ideas floating around in your head it will amaze you.
My reading habit is rusty. Yes, I write here about reading and I tweet about it as well. Right now my reading lacks focus and more importantly is not leading to action plans. Let me explain. I’m working on my 7th or 8th non-fiction book for 2010. That may sound like a lot but there are a dozen more I want to and should read.
In April, I am going to find time to read each day. Just like kids in grade school I have a page in my Moleskine book where I will log my progress each day. Name of book, number of pages, and the single best idea that came from reading that day. Did you catch that last part? At the end of April I am going to have a bunch of amazing ideas. What if only one of those ideas is so amazing it’s beyond awesome?
Reading and the ideas that come from it will change your life. Easy to say but here is a real life example for you. My Wife read Unpacking Forgiveness at the exact right moment in our lives. Then, I read it. The crazy happy totally in love people you see today, not possible without the ideas in that book. Simple as that, a book not only saved a marriage but made it spectacular.
Bonus Business Idea. If you have read this far I have an idea I will never have time to get to. When I Googled “reading logs” I was surprised I could not easily find an on-line log to use. A web-site with logs (like Daily Mile lets you track your running). I suspect that affiliate revenue and advertising possibilities with book publishers would be good. If you do it, let me know I’ll be first to sign up and will promote for you.
Any habits you plan to change or improve upon with a 30-day plan?
I am very thankful to hear the Lord used Unpacking in your life. You are an answer to our prayers.
Chris-I am pleased you stopped by. As a fellow writer In understand the thankful feeling one enjoys when they realize their writing has inspired another to act in a way that enriches their life. Hope and prayers for your continued success spreading the word of the importance of forgiveness in finding happiness in ones own life.-Jim