This week’s thoughts are a combination of what’s going on in my life and what I observed in the social media space. A weird combination to be sure, but it’s my blog and I’ll do with it what I want.
It’s a conversation
Think of this as the ADD conversation you might have with me over a cup of coffee or a cocktail. Yes, I’m this random and jump from topic to topic enough to drive most folks who aren’t already crazy to that point.
…and the random thoughts
- Hiding behind an avatar with a profile that says “proud this and that” is pure bullshit. Stand behind what you say. Attach your name and face to the comment and then we can have a real conversation.
- Setting up a fake Twitter account to dish our snarky social media advice is not original or even funny anymore.
- You’ll have good days and bad days. The trick is to turn more bad days into good than the other way around. And yes you do control that.
- It’s exhilarating to find the fun in a pursuit you had lost interest in. Find the fun in your life’s work and the success will follow.
- I sure hope you enjoy reading random Friday thoughts as much as I like writing them.
Please join the conversation
And it’s more fun if this is a conversation so please by all means feel free to leave a comment below with your thoughts about my thoughts. See how much fun that could become?
I love organized, random…just say’n….