Planning your work and powering through it when you don’t feel like it will lead to owning your future time. How do I know this? Because today, I stuck to my plan all day and now at a few minutes after 5pm I’m doing what I want to do – writing this post.
Proven productivity first. Pick the tasks you know will make you money and do those activities early in the month. In my business there is work, that when done correctly, will yield significant recurring revenue each month. If your business is anything like mine your customers will need to think before they can act on your call to action. By getting the call to action out early you increase the chance of capturing the revenue in the current month.
Plan for creative “free time” too. I don’t want you to think I’m a stickler for regimen, I’m not. I love free thinking, creative, no rules activities as well. Creative “free time” has more value when you plan out the activities in my life that have to get done. By planning your work and working the plan you end up owning your future. I do better free thinking without the pressure to close one more sale or get one more blog post done before the day is over.
What does owning your future time look like? Counterintuitive as it may seem, by sticking to a schedule and regime for some of your work, you gain thefreedom and peace of mind for creative pursuits. For me, that means I can head to Translator lab hours knowing that my must do critical work for the month is done. I can attend evening business/social events and not worry about writing a blog post because with good planning I’m writing a week ahead.
From my perspective owning your future time feels like freedom and peace of mind. Any thoughts you’d like to share?
Another great post, Jim!