About two weeks ago that Steve Duncan guy over at Lornitropia got me motivated to finally do something with the LinkedIn account I had created in Feb. 2005.  I took some time to update my profile, and then I just started inviting everyone I could think of to join and connect with me.  I am sure many of you reading this got an invitation to join.  All I can say is this tool has the potential to change the way we network for business and professional reasons.  I joke with my kids that it is MySpace for grownups.
In less than two weeks I have gone from the four contacts I had since last year to fifty.  Nothing compared to Steve’s 500+, but I will get there.  Why do all this, you ask?  For me it is a simple three part answer;
1.    I HATE cold calling (LinkedIn already allowed me to set-up a high level meeting with a very larger retailer).
2.    As the CEO of a small business I am ALWAYS looking for financing and M&A opportunities.
3.    I honestly like to share my knowledge and wisdom with others (My Mom would question if I have any of the later worth sharing ;-).
So, if I sent you a LinkedIn invite and you have not acted on it I would encourage you to do so.  This is not some “drink the cool-aid” cult…I promise.  If you are already LinkedIn send an invite to my ColorMetrix e-mail, I’d be happy to connect with anyone who takes the time to read my ramblings.