Several of you kindly pointed out that I had misspelled that word up in the title in the original version of my #67 post. First, you are correct and thank you for the correction.
It does raise an interesting point for me as a new media writer. A google search for matamerism yields 154 hits. While some of those hits are for my #16 post (my most read post all of last year by the way) many point to articles and posts by respected color experts.
The correct spelling yielded a google search result of 64,000+ hits. So, I am not trying to excuse my poor spelling but instead am trying to point out the importance of recognizing that misspellings are often searched for on the internet.
Those who specialize in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) have known this for a long time. My goal with this post is simply to bring a real world example forward to illustrate the importance of not ignoring misspellings of words that you expect to bring traffic to your web site.
I two discovered that spelink was an issue.
I have been marketing high quality Elephant Skin Pith Helmuts to SAMS for nearly a year, and wondered why no one was bying – when I red your post, i said, well – SHEESH! (hope I spealled Sheesh right) – maybe I SPELL worse than I TYPE.
Sure enough – that was it.
Helmut, as it turns out – is spealled Helmet. wow.
And no, that was no Baboon in the Lion King, that was a Mandrill. You can tell by his face markings. Idiots.
Iyama Chimp – Panzee
Cage 31
Los Angeles Zoo
5333 Zoo Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 644-4200
I two discovered that spelink was an issue.
I have been marketing high quality Elephant Skin Pith Helmuts to SAMS for nearly a year, and wondered why no one was bying – when I red your post, i said, well – SHEESH! (hope I spealled Sheesh right) – maybe I SPELL worse than I TYPE.
Sure enough – that was it.
Helmut, as it turns out – is spealled Helmet. wow.
And no, that was no Baboon in the Lion King, that was a Mandrill. You can tell by his face markings. Idiots.
Iyama Chimp – Panzee
Cage 31
Los Angeles Zoo
5333 Zoo Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 644-4200