By no means does the title of this post infer you should be ungrateful; quite the opposite. The simple fact is that unless you won the biological lottery (think Paris Hilton) or the pay-your-dollar-here lottery, you have worked damn hard for the success you have. I’m fairly certain there are few shortcuts or get-rich-quick schemes that work – trust me on this one – I’ve looked.
You have earned your success
Over the last few weeks, it’s occurred to me that apologizing for or being ashamed of the individual events that have led to my current level of success is just not necessary. Sure I’ve done some things in my life of which I’m not proud, but guess what? – I’ve also done some things in life that make me damn proud. All those individual events make me who I am today – like me or not, that part is your choice.
To celebrate a recent business success, my wife and I went out to dinner with our teenage children. I love my kids but certainly don’t think of myself as a great parent. I actually wish I had done more than a few things differently in that regard over the years. Strangely, however, we sat there with the two of them and it occurred to me they are both more adult than child now. They have their own thoughts and ideas about the world (including me) and are not afraid to express those ideas. We did okay. I can be both shameless and unapologetic about the way my children have turned out.
Sometimes business goes well and seems easy as pie. Other times it’s a struggle just to stay in business. If your business has not experienced both these situations, just give it some time – you will. Be both shameless and and unapologetic for your business success. You’ve worked your butt off to be where you are. Along the way, you will make mistakes and that’s okay. Just don’t waste time worrying about them. At the same time, don’t celebrate the successes too much either. Keep moving forward and being the best you that you can be.
Your best you has no reason at all to be anything but shameless and unapologetic about the level of success you have achieved in life.