Linkedin is not Facebook and it’s not Twitter.
Its the community of the corporate world and when in Rome…..
While I sometimes get downright goofy on Twitter on Linkedin I’m all business.
On Facebook I’ll post a funny picture or link to a video. For me, Linkedin is really not the place for that.
On Linkedin;
I share status updates that are business related.
I sometimes don’t share blog posts that are less than 100% business.
I try to participate in the groups I am a member of (I need to get better at this).
I write recommendations for those I believe in and do so without being asked.
I have a picture that represents my appearance as it might be at a first business meeting.
Think about how you utilized TV networks like Comedy Central and Travel Channel for different purposes. The social networks have similar differences and understanding them will lead to a happier and more successful online life.
At least that’s my take. How do you feel about Linkedin?
True, LinkedIn is pretty much all business, but even in business you must have some humor. And so it is with LinkedIn. While I’m not advocating being a jokester on LI, am I am advocating appearing approachable and human and not stodgy, stale, and machine-like.
Life needs humor – right? Approachable is always good.
I keep my Linkedin light and fun. I have some jokes and silly stuff on my profile. I think it’s better for people to know ME and how it would be to do business with me. That’s not to say I post silly pictures or dirty jokes on my profile, but I do put a degree of effort into maintaining an real, fun representation of me there. I like to think I can use Linkedin however I want to. So many people are afraid to put anything on their profile that doesn’t align with their business model or corporate mission… I say phooey on that! Spice it up, have some fun with it. Let people have a reason to want to know you among a sea of stodge (to borrow a word from Fossil Designs comment). Great post Jim!
Couldn’t agree more – I think one of the most annoying things are the FourSquare, Facebook & Twitter Posts of random junk showing up in the stream. If I see it, I hide your updates meaning I receive NONE of your updates, including pertinent business information. LinkedIn is best used for what it was designed for – business only!
Just curious. How about my posting links to most of my blog posts there. Do you see those and do they bother you?
Thanks for your input I’m learning a lot in the comments of this post.
I totally agree. Linked In should be considered part of your professional network and not a social forum. People outside your network will view your Linked In profile to learn more about you. Keep the profile posts on target to your business goals and aspirations. If you want to keep things ‘light’, do it much like polite conversation during a business mixer.
Good point that many people who view your Linkedin profile for the first time will not know you from other forums and may in fact be considering doing business with you. Thanks for adding to the post and good to see you here.
Hmm now after hearing all the comments I’m a little concerned about the image I’m projecting on my Linkedin. Perhaps I’ll clean it up a bit. I never thought it could be causing people to hide or dismiss me based on that fact. Thanks for the insight, everyone!
Sleep on it. There’s no rush to make a change. My profile has a little humor worked into it. There is nothing wrong with that. Remember your brand is Candid. Random. I sure am glad to see a rich conversation here that has people thinking!
Went back and took another look at my Linkedin and realized, nothing needs changing. I’m just enough ‘me’ — and it’s not too silly. There’s just a hint of humor in the right spots. I HOPE! Isn’t there someone out there who does Linkedin analysis that can tell us if our profiles are ok? #spambait