A while ago I ran across a cool Adobe Labs web application called kuler. I guess it is geared more to the design community, but if you love color (note C O L O R not k u l e r) like I do you will have fun playing around with it. (Oh, I suppose colour would be OK as well.) If you have never looked around at Adobe Labs, I would suggest you take a few minutes (or hours as I did) to look at the kind of projects they are working on.
Today I would also like to mention a web-site I ran across called Prepress Pilgrim authored by DJ Dunkerley. I did not so much run across DJ’s site as he did mine. One of the neat things about WordPress is I get an alert when someone else links to one of my posts. Thanks for the cross-link DJ.
So, what is with X-Rite spelling MONKEY munki and Adobe spelling COLOR kuler? Does that mean would should have named ProofPass.com PruufPass.com? Oh wait, I need to go register that domain before I publish this post….I’m kidding really I am!
…I’m back…so if X-Rite and Adobe merged would it become the kulermunki?
Kuler is Cooler, from my standpoint. Without a way to select a profile or invoke an output intenet via a CMM, what exactly are we looking at ?
Go to Kuler – http://kuler.adobe.com/
Search for swop – this hopefully will take you to my Kuler example.
Kuler is Cooler, from my standpoint. Without a way to select a profile or invoke an output intenet via a CMM, what exactly are we looking at ?
Go to Kuler – http://kuler.adobe.com/
Search for swop – this hopefully will take you to my Kuler example.