Hello, I’ve missed you.
I have not published a post on this blog in nearly five years. If you’re wondering why, I’ll be addressing that in future posts. Yes, I plan to post here frequently again. What that frequency will be I do not yet know; but writing more is a decision I’ve made and now I need to follow through.
When I do publish this post, I can assure you that at least three or four more will be queued up and ready to go. At this moment, I’m not 100 percent sure what the topics will all be. But I have plenty of ideas floating around in my head right now.
Back to missing you.
I share my first blog post about 15 years ago. Then for a decade or so, I posted fairly regularly. Those posts resulted in you commenting here, on social media platforms and even responding by email. Those responses then led to conversations and the conversations led to relationships. Most of those relationships still exist today.
I miss keeping those relationships current. I miss the conversations that resulted from me doing nothing more than sharing a stream of consciousness story about what was going on in my life. I miss hearing how that story impacted you or hearing your similar story.
Where was I?
I was all over social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. I was blogging on my company blogs and I was traveling, a lot. I’ll dive deeper into all of those activities in future posts.
What was I doing?
In short, I was letting someone else drive the conversation. I was letting someone else rent space in my head. Speaking only for myself, that’s what happens in the world of social media for me. It’s my belief there are lots of people and organizations trying to drive negativity for whatever reason. That’s not to say there isn’t plenty of good stuff that goes on in the social media universe, because there is. We’ll get to some of that over time as well.
A short story of now
For several years, I’ve been practicing yoga about five times a week. In the beginning, I did this with a great yogi I found on YouTube. I subscribed to her online classes as well. Over time, I developed my own 10-minute routine that I would do while watching the morning news. So in reality I was no longer practicing yoga. I was stretching while watching the news. Recently I turned off the news and I haven’t turned it on since. I’ve canceled my subscription to YouTube TV so I won’t have easy access to the news. I still read the news via apps like Associated Press; but I consume it my own way, in my own time.
With the news turned off, I’ve returned to doing yoga with my yogi’s videos in the morning. My practice is now 20 minutes a day and increasing. The headache I woke up with one day went away when I had completed my practice. I finished with a clear head. I ate a healthy breakfast. I sat at my keyboard and revised the about page on this site. I wrote the first draft of this post.
I began taking back my life.
I’m looking forward to telling more of this story over time. I look forward to your comments on this and future posts. Hopefully, you will leave comments here because I’ll be spending very little time on social media platforms for awhile. I look forward to your emails where we can have deeper conversations. I look forward to it all. It’s going to be even better this time around.
Love this!!!
Thank you for showing up and taking the time to read it over, oh and for being part of this story! ๐