I was recently interviewed for the Inspire Me project. Take a peek at the video below and then head on over to their site for some more mid-week inspiration.
Katie has come up with three fun, yet insightful questions.
1. What inspires you?
2. What makes you smile?
3. What super hero would you like to be? (You’ll have to watch to the end for my answer to this one.)
I love the idea of this project and the number of people who have already contributed. Watching the short videos is somewhat addictive, however, so grab a cup of coffee before heading over to the site.
You may have also noticed the recent tag line change here, “Stories and Inspiration, small business CEO Style.” I think that makes four tag line changes this year. I have a feeling this one will stick. Reading back through the past several months of my writing and your comments convinces me that this is in fact what I do, tell stories that inspire.
What do you think?
Hey Jim,
Good stuff!! And…those infectious smiles of others – pretty awesome stuff!! (and…the Incredible Hulk rocks!!!)
Keep on shining your awesome!!!
Lance, Thank you. This is the best comment I could get as I start eight
weeks on the road. How can you not love Hulk? He always means well. 🙂