I thought I missed my prime until I realized I was smack dab in the middle of it.
I’ve survived my mid-life crises, at least the first couple and am ready to roll.
I know more than I’ve ever known.
I’ve always tried to focus on what to do with the tools so that my knowledge remains relevant and transferable.
My point here is that as I approach my 47th birthday, I realize there is no perfect time to succeed or “hit it big.”
Just keep doing what you know in your heart is right.
If that’s not getting you where you feel you should be – adjust.
Read more books about the type of success you feel you should achieve.
Find mentors and peers for guidance and best practices to model in your life and business.
My grandfather worked well into his 90s and never seemed unhappy about that choice. My uncle started a successful business in his 60s and ran it until the day he died when he was about 80 years old.
There’s no right time to do just do it – well, except for right now.
I think too many people live in the past which gets them in trouble. I find people that make comments like I use to be skinny, I use to run a marathon, and when you look at them they are feeling sorry for themselves instead of reaching out and making those situations happen.
Every day I try to refresh and try to improve what I could not do previously. Hearing your story about your uncle and grandfather give me the ideas you had great mentors which make you have all that energy.
Love your examples of used to….which is what I was doing to myself by
thinking I’d missed it.
Virtually all of my proudest accomplishments have come from attempting things I wasn’t sure I could do. I feel for the poor slobs that spend their entire lives playing it safe. The most terrifying stuff delivers the biggest payoffs, and not just in business. I can’t imagine how lame my life would be if I hadn’t asked my wife out on our first date. Scared me to death, though.
Makes me think of my wife and I riding out a rough patch. Took a lot of
courage on both our parts. Another great example, thanks for sharing!
Now is always the right time. You didn’t miss anything. You’re paying better attention now and no doubt making more of a difference now because of your experience.
Thanks for the helpful reminder.
No time like the present! Love ya Phil. Thanks for the virtual hug (which is
what a comment from you feels like)
Jim – you’re a star, and I’m glad to be your friend and to give you virtual hugs. Always awesome to get some Jimmeh Juice, which is what many of your articles are for me. Juice to carry on, carry forward, and create more. Thanks man! Love ya too!