Jim Raffel has been alluding to a new editor for JimRaffel.com for awhile now. It’s finally time for introductions.
“I met him on Twitter.”
That sentence has quickly become part of my everyday vocabulary. For me, Twitter started out as a way to meet people socially and keep up to date on local events and news. However, as I trolled through my timeline, I started to realize what an effective business tool Twitter can be. I wondered to myself many times how I might use this powerful social network to start the next chapter in my career.
Having an idea is easy. Bringing it to fruition is the difficult part. I had an idea for a business, but wasn’t sure how to start it. I had many questions and few answers. Research was key and I did my research on Twitter. The people I connected with on Twitter and the information and advice I acquired through them gave me the tools to take the next step.
One of the people who helped me the most was Jim Raffel.
I didn’t know much about Jim in the beginning. I didn’t really know what he did for a living or why he was flying all over the nation for speaking engagements. I didn’t even know that he ran a business out of his home.
I started interacting with Jim and his wife on Twitter because they were engaging. After months of 140-character conversations, I invited them to see some live music and I finally had the pleasure of meeting them in person. They were just as engaging in person as they are on Twitter.
What followed was many more months of dinners and in-person interactions at community events arranged on Twitter. During this time that we became friends, I learned more and more about Jim’s company, business philosophy and why people pay to hear him speak.
However, while I was learning from Jim, I never expected or even asked for the help and advice he provided. I certainly never expected he would hire me; but that’s exactly what happened.
Here’s the secret: I used Twitter as it was intended to be used. The key word in social network is social. I didn’t jump online and blindly ask my followers for help starting my business. I shared bits and pieces of my life and interests, built friendships and business relationships over time and took advantage of the many opportunities to meet those people in person.
That’s the history of how I met Jim. The future is my partnership with him and working with him to further develop and market his company ColorMetrix. One of my smaller tasks is serving as an editor for this blog.
My own business will focus on website design, social media marketing, graphic design and event planning. Jim is taking advantage of all of these services in some way.
I’m excited to be working with Jim and for ColorMetrix. We have some awesome things planned so please stay tuned. You’ll undoubtedly be hearing more from me.
About the Author: Shelby Sapusek has degrees in Journalism and Graphic Design from Ball State University. She followed that up with 17 years in graphic design for print media and writing/editing; 10 years in website design. You can find Shelby on Twitter: @ShelMKE or at home with her boyfriend and their 8-month-old puppy Zeke.
Jim’s words are in great hands! Glad to see you on Jim’s team, Shelby!
Shannon – love that. Never thought of the trust involved in the
writer/editor relationship.
Isn’t that the truth though? We rarely edit ourselves very well because we think every word we write is a little piece of gold. You have to trust someone enough to look at it from a reader’s point of view and massage those words without losing the meaning. Of course, your editor needs to know what you’re talking about too!
This is a great case study for job seekers on how to use social networks to find a job. Thank you for sharing this, Shelby and best of luck moving forward. Don’t let Jim push you around! 🙂
Russ – Pretty sure it will be Shelby pushing me around. 🙂
I’m not planning on pushing you around. My goal is just to keep you in check and make you sound awesome!
I’ll do my best Russ!
That is awesome, shelby.
It is awesome to see how any one can get amazing jobs from these social media sites.
Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.
This is another great example of how relationships are developed and nurished via social media. You guys will be great together.
Thanks Sue – it’s the whole plan for lake country to take over the world. 🙂
It is great to see more stories like this.. one awesome!
Congrats you two! I can’t wait to see what’s in the works.
Congrats you guys! What and awesome team you’re building. Oh, and this just in: #TwitterWorks 🙂
Thanks Joe. By watching you and Chris build teams over the last year I feel
like I’m doing a better job of it this time around. And yes, #twitterworks
Congratulations to you both and good for you, Jim. I thought I was the lone voice in the wilderness talking about the need for blog editors (really an editor for any type of writing that aspires to clarity and greatness).
This is exciting news. I hope you post in the future about how this relationship works and what it does for jimraffel.com.
Randy, It was my guest post on your blog that was reviewed by your editor
that convinced me I needed one. 🙂 You’re a writing grand master sir.
Awesome story, and really glad you shared it. Great example of the good that can come out of social engagements! Have fun… 🙂
Thanks! It’s been really fun to read the feedback on this.
One of my favorite comments on this blog is “my editor came out from behind the curtain.” So true.
What an awesome story Shelby! Good job and good luck! I look forward to reading more.