Entry level jobs should stay just that.
As our country approaches ten percent unemployment folks who normally wouldn’t even apply for certain types of jobs are now doing those jobs.
The problem is, a forty year old displaced engineer may not be the right person to work your hotel front desk. They seem (over)qualified on paper but is their heart ever going to be in this job? It’s possible they’ve taken this job only for the paycheck.
In my experience, the best front desk ambassadors at major business hotels have typically been young people fresh out of college. The best of those having graduated with some form of hospitality industry related degree (Yes, I sometimes ask). For them being a front desk ambassador is exciting. The job is a stepping stone or jumping off point to bigger and better jobs in the hospitality industry.
See the difference in the reception (or first impression) you might get from the two folks described above? For many travelers, the front desk ambassador is the only hotel employee the ever talk to.
Matching people with the right jobs is hard work. Sometimes, however, I think it’s made harder than need be.
We would not be going on a 10% unemployment issue if the employers would stop laying off people and more employers would start hiring more people. For example Walmart has a place to hire alot more people the problem is they are to cheap. If people had jobs they would spend more money but right now since there is to much hording of money there are no jobs.
Back to walmart in the front end area. some supercenters have 20 through 30 registers but most times you only see a few open at any given time. Which is wrong at there busiest times they should have them all open. like weekends and holidays plus from 4pm til like 8pm since that is a very busy time.
and over night there is usually only 2 registers open if it is open all night then the store should have 5 to 10 registers open to help with customer movement.
I know I am rambling on here but it is just to show that there are plenty of jobs but the presidents of these companys say fewer people can do the job in less time. Which is wrong.
Thank you for this post!
make it a great day!!!
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to essentially provide a counter-point. Without getting political I will tell you from a small business owner’s point of view….there are reasons to stay on the hiring sidelines right now. The dramatic changes in Washington (not saying it’s good or bad) create a great deal of uncertainty in the business community. There are lots of new/different rules and regulations to consider. The cost of adding employees is quite high right now and as you mentioned with 10%-ish people out of work the prospect of additional sales in the retail sector is not bright.
All of those issues and more, however, make this the greatest time every to invest in your own personal brand. Grab Chris Brogan’s Trust Agents if you have not read it yet. There is a great section in there about basically not needing a resume anymore if you have done your job in the online social media and community space. It’s hard work like any other worthwhile endeavor but very rewarding with time. At least I think so ๐
Thank you Jim Raffel for commenting back. I am still learning different things. I am currently making my own brand. And working towards moving forward in life.
If you like to email me to discuss more about this current issue I am open to email.
Make it a great day!
I try to respond to each and every comment. Yesterday at BlogWorld Penn Jillette talked about how he and Teller spend about 45 minutes at the conclusion of EVERY show standing at the front of the stage answering questions and shaking hands. You’ve paid to come see him, you’ve clapped, you’ve made him feel like a million bucks, and he can take the tome to acknowledge that. It’s the same here. You’ve not only take the tome to stop, read, and the add a comment that adds to the story and creates a conversation. I learn so much in the comments of this and other blogs.