Be sure to join us on Twitter tonight at 8 p.m. CST for our #shehechat! Topics are listed below. Tonight's #shehechat topics How do you use your smartphone for social media? How has the growth of social media networks changed blogging? What's your emoticon vocabulary? How often do you use them … [Read more...]
How I use my iPhone for social media – Shelby Says
This is another post in our She Said, He Said blog series. Be sure to check back tomorrow to find out how Jim uses his Android HTC Evo for social media and for topics for our #shehechat, which will take place at 8 p.m. CST Thursday. To understand how I use my iPhone for social media, you have to … [Read more...]
And tonight's #shehechat topics are…
If you've been following the hashtag #9statesin5days on Twitter, you know that it's been a long travel week for Jim and me. As I write this, we are at the airport in Phoenix getting ready to head back home. We will arrive in time to host #shehechat tonight at 8 p.m. CST, although we will host from … [Read more...]
Twitter Tennis – Jim and Shelby Volley
This is another in our series of She Said, He Said posts. The term "Twitter Tennis" is being borrowed from Michael Josefowicz during #printchat, which we participate in regularly. We love Twitter chats because they tend to focus the conversation in on a particular topic and it's fun to watch ideas … [Read more...]
Social Media Does Have Borders – Shelby Says
Yesterday, Jim told the story of Nora B's, a restaurant in Elm Grove, Wis., whose Twitter account is handled by the owner's daughter, who happens to reside in Florida. The interactions and experiences he's had with @NoraBsSpecials are all positive ones and led him to the conclusion that social media … [Read more...]
Social Media Marketing Mix
Achieving a balanced marketing mix in the social media space can be tricky business. Part of the problem is that most social media is completely free to utilize. Just add your time and effort and shazam you have a marketing campaign. As a result, your inclination might be to try and utilize as many … [Read more...]
Where social media has taken me – Jim Raffel
Yesterday, Shelby addressed her personal and professional growth thanks to social media. I decided to provide a picture of the perks social media has provided me. The Perks I've always been good at networking myself into great venues and events even before social media. I managed to attend two … [Read more...]
Where social media has taken me – Shelby Says
For our She Said, He Said blog posts this week, Jim and I will share our views on where social media has gotten us; both personally and professionally. Our #shehechat will return to its normal time on Thursday at 8 p.m. CST with special guest host @Einley because I will be on vacation. There are … [Read more...]
What I've learned from using – Shelby says
Yesterday, Jim gave his view about TwUnfollow and how he uses it to grow his following and network. Due to the kickoff of football season with a Packer’s game tonight, #shehechat will not take place over on Twitter at 8 p.m. CST like normal. We’ll return next week, but with guest co-host @Einley … [Read more...]
How social sharing can be a sales tool
Spotify allows you to listen to the playlists your social media friends create and share. While this can save you time when you aren't sure what you want to listen to, it also allows you to get to know a person better. Music can be as personal as religion. Knowing what kind of music a person likes … [Read more...]
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