Over the coming weeks I will be writing a great deal about my last two days in Chicago. Kevin Kocher of MacDermid Printing Solutions (offset blanket manufacturer) invited me to a press trial of their new Stabil-X blanket. So, right about now if I was one of my readers I would be thinking how … [Read more...]
On RSS Readers
So, I woke up Friday morning with a celebrated the 42nd birthday a bit too much hangover. Fortunately, I scheduled my birthday this year the day before Good Friday and we are closed on Good Friday. This left me with a day to get one of those technology projects I have rolling around in … [Read more...]
On Standards, Dues, and Barriers to Entry
I have been getting a good deal of pressure to post my position on GRACoL G7, and have been holding off for one very simple reason. My comments will "go against the grain" as one fellow blogger put it. As one who was not involved in the process I feel that it would be somewhat counterproductive to … [Read more...]
#30: Print Oasis ‘06 Wrap-up
First, I will be delaying my thoughts on GRACoL 7 for a week or two so that I can address more timely topics like a wrap-up of my thoughts and observations at Print Oasis last week in Las Vegas. Let me begin by saying that the conference was very well attended; 500+ corporate print buyers, agencies, … [Read more...]
Site is updating
Please be patient as I move to a new server. All enteries will be back online shortly. All enteries are back online. Comments will be updated soon. … [Read more...]
Random thought from an airport…
First, I was driving on the 5 south and say this cool building. Next, I believe some great ideas for future Golden Nuggets have come out of this trip. - I have been lead to believe that people think density can be used to bring an ink jet proofing into grey balance. I am just going to say...no … [Read more...]
On the road again…
Flying into LA: The '405' (if it needs more explanation you have never been to LA) … [Read more...]
Be more like a blogger Adam said….
OK, every now and then even I give into peer pressure. Wait, can an RIT graduate student be considered the peer of a 20 year industry veteran who graduated from RIT when Adam was hardly out of diapers? In this case yes, Adam is a very bright young man, and anyone looking for a top notch employee … [Read more...]
Worth a look…
The always awesome RIT grad student Adam Dewitz just posted a very good article on Delta E at his blog: printmode.net I hope to have a new golden nugget posted soon, but until then here is a picture of what I was doing last week instead of writing. ;-) … [Read more...]
Happy New Year
First, I want to wish all my readers a happy and prosperous new year. Next, I want to let you know that a new Golden Nugget is coming. I plan to have it completed by the end of the weekend, but if not I have published while traveling on business before. One way or another it will be out by next Wed … [Read more...]