You will find that the more you write the more you will be asked to speak.
Then, as you develop a speaking track record you will be asked to speak more.
You will become a better speaker in two ways.
1. Keep speaking publicly at every opportunity.
2. Keep writing.
It’s item number two in the above list that I am finding more and more valuable. The thoughts and ideas I have converted to written words are the easiest to recall. Sometimes when speaking publicly I will lose my train of thought. I now use a short silent pause (that used to be an “um”) to gather my thoughts. During the pause, I picture a blog post in my head on the topic at hand, which then becomes the words I speak.
Better public speaking is just one benefit I realize from writing more. What would you add to the list of benefits derived from writing more?
I’ve been running a blog since 1997 (before the word even existed) and write quite a bit… I can count the number of times I’ve been asked to speak on one hand… and still have fingers left over. So what am I doing wrong?
I suspect it’s not what you are doing wrong but instead what you may not doing.
I can really only speak to what’s worked for me and that’s putting the message out there that I am ready, willing and able to speak. At this point some (but not all) of my speaking is unpaid. I volunteer when I know people need speakers. I have a public speaking page that while it admittedly needs some updating let’s people know I like and want to speak.
Plus, I’m sure hoping you plan to speak at ๐