OK, every now and then even I give into peer pressure. Wait, can an RIT graduate student be considered the peer of a 20 year industry veteran who graduated from RIT when Adam was hardly out of diapers? In this case yes, Adam is a very bright young man, and anyone looking for a top notch employee should be taking a serious look at Adam who is just finishing up his graduate work at RIT. (Hint: his blog is listed in my links to the left)
So, as Adam and I exchanged IM messages yesterday and I let him know I would be on the road for eight days on business he suggested I be more like a “real” blogger and attempt the make daily entries. I think the suggested was prompted by the fact that I am quite honored to be speaking at a CGATS meeting next Tuesday on the campus of ASU. While I have had the honor of speaking to at ASU in the past, I have never had the honor of addressing a group so focused on making color measurement work. One of the main topics of the CGATS meetings next week is how to more accurately convert visual matches to numeric matches. As I understand my assignment, I am to share with this group how ColorMetrix can be used to facilitate a true “color by the numbers” scenario.
That, however, is next week. Today, Thursday and Friday I will be wearing my salesman hat in sunny southern California (where I understand it will be cool and rainy). These trips almost always yield great topics for future Golden Nuggets. In order to keep Adam happy I will try to post each day, and even include a picture from my Treo600 (I know what is a technology geek like me doing with such old technology? Waiting for the 700P if you must know).
Oh, just thought of something that you may all find interesting. I am now operating on a brand new ThinkPad Z60 (the one they are doing all the cool commercials on TV for). It’s great except for the colors displayed by the LCD. I installed ProfileMaker 5 yesterday and tried some quick things to improve the color display, but so far it still is not so great. I am planning to try several more things, and if I get it to work I will post step-by-step instructions here for anyone who wants to travel with one of these fine machines, but also cares about his/her pictures looking nice.