During the #unGeeked conference last week I was able to capture Scott Stratten (@unmarketing on Twitter) thoughts on the craziness of book endorsements.
Scott takes a stand. Here we have a man about to have his first book published and he takes on the publishing establishment by having a whole chapter in his book about the foolishness of book endorsements. When I watched the video I thought to myself that’s amazing content because he took a stand.
Rush Limbaugh does not have the most listened to radio show for his middle of the road views. Like him or not Rush has amazing content because he takes a stand. We don’t want wishy washy. I don’t know about you but I do wishy washy well enough myself, often enough, that I don’t want to read about it.
True Passion comes from taking a stand. Watching Scott present at unGeeked I got to see this first hand. What are we doing on Twitter Scott asked? Then, in a very impassioned voice with equally animated body language he said something like – Talking! Do you get that people? We are just talking! He’s successful for a reason, he believes it and he lives it.
Amazing content does not just happen. It takes practice. It takes learning that you must take a stand. You must offend some (not intentionally or in a nasty name calling way) to reach those who care about your message. You don’t come here each day and read, for me to tell you the sky was blue today. You come for my passion about self-improvement and business success. (I know this because those are the posts you comment on most).
My theme is trending towards helping others first. There’s a reason for this. I didn’t do it for ten years. I was a king size self-centered jerk. Not all the time but often enough that I can see now, that was holding me back from getting where I wanted to go. I took a stand with myself and just stopped doing it.
I’m taking a stand to produce only amazing content that is original and authentic me. I’ll be focused on self-improvement and business success. This is who I am, this is what I do.
Nice post, Jim. Scott was one of my favorite presenters at this conference for exactly this reason: A lack of fear for saying what needs to be said. As I read your post, there's only one word I would add: polarizing. Put your real self out there and people will either enjoy it or hate it. I'm looking forward to your future posts. ~Russ
I don't take a stand enough on my blog. I'm working at digging deep and finding out what I truly believe and how it goes against the grain. I needed to see that video to give me that added boost. Time to write something epic. Thanks.
Scott is rock solid, and a major truth teller. Cheers to him for telling the truth…and to you for sharing it. Nicely done Jim.
Russ: I agree with polarizing. And if you go that route pay no attention to the detractors. Take the highroad, acknowledge, and say nothing nasty in return when they go that direction…and some will. In my case, when I have a rough comment I simply ask “what would my Mom do?' – Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. You obviously know the best way to become a bloggers friend ๐
Karl: Go man, go! Doesn't have to be epic it just has to be you with passion and belief. At least that's my take. A good friend sat me down last Saturday and said Jim, you've got inside and sometimes I see it on the blog but just let it out all the time.
And not only that he backed it up. He told his publisher no endorsements on the jacket. Well there will be but they will be funny. ๐
I'm going to go ahead and second Phil.