Do you sometimes have trouble coming up with topics for your blog posts? Here are seven topics categories of recent posts on this blog.
1. Answer questions. As your network grows the number of questions you will be asked via various social media channels will grow. You can answer those questions once for the person who asked or when appropriate you can answer the question on your blog for all who may have the same question. I did this recently with What’s you post BlogWorld plan and 18 useful WordPress plugins.
2. Inspire. I’ve listed this category second because unlike #1 you don’t get to pick which posts end up being inspirational. I wrote Keep putting yourself out there to be inspirational but until you guys started reading and commenting I didn’t know I had succeeded. While these posts take a bit more courage to publish the reward comes in the form or real engagement in the comments. Getting to know your readers matters.
3. Share the work of others. Some friends of mine started the Inspire Me Project. Sometimes the work of others comes to you (as in they asked to interview me for the project). Other times you need to go looking for the cool stuff as I did with The Story.
4. Promote events you will be part of which is different than just promoting yourself. Take a look at Central Wisconsin Social Media Conference to see how I approach event promotion.
5. Share your current thoughts. For most of this year I’ve been thinking about how social media and community are transforming what we once called sales. After BlogWorld my thoughts solidified and turned into Rebirth of the salesman.
6. Special moments. We all have moments like the best sixty seconds of my day. Take a few minutes and share them with your readers. You’ll also like recreating the feeling of the moment when you re-read the post (as I just did).
7. A list of seven topics. I created this post by looking through my last month or so of posts. I look back every month or so for two reasons. First, to make sure I’m not hitting the same theme too often. Second, to find ideas for future posts in the comments over the last month.
I’m sure you have other ideas. Please take a moment and share one or two in the comments.
My top 7 answers would be:
1. Things I read in blogs / newspaper / magazine
2. Things I hear on the news (NPR)
3. Books I am currently reading
4. Discoveries during project work
5. That magical place called my imagination
6. “Top Ten” style lists
7. Divine Inspiration
Thank you for your contribution Jeff. #4 is a good one which I guess I do without realizing …. until now that is.