At ColorMetrix we have been working on some cool new software and new features for the product line. Development of the new stuff has required learning a little more about color, color measurement, and color matching functions (you know the fun geeky math part of color management). As a guy who blogs a whole lot of free information here (I will let you the readers decide the value of the information) I was quite pleased to find some valuable color information out on the web.Even the sources I was familiar with have been updated since I last had time to look at them. As a general rule of thumb the parts of the site I found really are pretty color geeky in nature. So, here are some highlights from my most recent search of the internet with a few comments about what I found most interesting about each site. (Listed in alphabetical order) – These guys from Canada not only appear to have some pretty cool software, but if you get into the tutorials section of the site you will definitely learn a thing or two about color. As for the software I would view it as a complimentary offering to While I have had not had too much time to research it, it looks like it could easily import one of the data formants can output. – Pretty much a standby for any color geek. It is always a good starting point. The site seems to have a fresh look and lots of new content from the last time I visited. – Not only does Don commit a great deal of time and energy to GRACoL he also makes some pretty cool stuff available on his site for free “non-commercial use.†I would start in the “Free†area but if you like beer make sure to check out RGB (Really Good Beer) in the “Cool†section. – Charles Poynton a Canadian based color consultant has a Color FAQ’s section on his site that has a great deal of good information. – TAOS (Texas Advanced Optoelectronic Solutions) makes sensors for measuring color. The also have posted a pretty cool spreadsheet that let’s you have fun with some of the color matching functions. Along with the spreadsheet there is a PDF describing it. Both can be found here.
Some of these sites I already knew about, and just checked back to see if they had been updated. Others I found with the fabulous tool Goggle!
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